I just completed my new research paper, and I have to say that I like it! I am hoping the prof agrees and I get an A+. I made a couple of rookie mistakes last semester with this same prof and still wound up with a 93, which was not bad. This is for 30% of my grade, so a 100 would boost me up a tiny bit.
Bah, I'm being boring tonight! My brain's all used up from the damn paper.
Anywho, I'm of school for 2.5 months after this week. I have to do some minor stuff for an incomplete class, but that's not much. Another research paper, this time on Roman England (aka Bodicea's England).
Looking into getting trained in EMDR during the first summer during grad school (2011). It's really an extremely interesting modality. WAY more interesting than I am making it sound. :P